ER3300 Panasoni Baby Hair Trimmer
Bought this Panasonic Baby Hair Trimmer for SGD49.90.
I though I could use my Taka voucher to pay at Best Denki in Taka, but they have already stopped accepting Taka voucher since 2008!
I have been cutting B2's hair since she's around 8 month old.
This may not be as perfect as using a sharp scissors + trimming scissors,but it's safe,fast and easy. Best of all .the cover helps to 'trap" the hair, don't need to wear any hair cutting cape!
It can also be removable from the cover to "shave" the back easily. Pushing up a plastic blade will turn it into "hair thinning" function.
Combi Hello Kitty Baby and Toddler Feeding Set
This is selling at SGD109.00,but Taka is giving 20%,so cost only SG80+ now.
I like this set very much, but unfortunately when I chanced upon it, I already bought most of B2's feeding set and cutlery from other brands. I decided to give this set to my neighbour as a gift, esepcially now that there is 20% discount.
Combi Hello Kitty Baby and Toddler Feeding Set
This is selling at SGD109.00,but Taka is giving 20%,so cost only SG80+ now.
I like this set very much, but unfortunately when I chanced upon it, I already bought most of B2's feeding set and cutlery from other brands. I decided to give this set to my neighbour as a gift, esepcially now that there is 20% discount.
Dinner at Lei Garden
You know how stressed I am if you know this "Pair" is what I put on when I drove B1 and B2 to Lei Garden at Chjmes,to meet Hb for dinner for his birthday celebrations!
Luckily we were given VIP room at 2nd floor(which as another different story),so no other diners saw me in that.
Already sitted in her car seat then found B2 pooed a lot and even stained her pants, got to bring her up to change and wash first.
Traffic jam at various spots due to road work and NDP rehearsals.
Finally reached there,found that there is no empty table reserved for us, even though we have made reservations in the afternoon.
The staff is just betting their luck that by the time we reach there, there will be earlier diners just finished their meals and table ready Just-in-time for us.
Hb is furious and asked to see their manager,asking them why we still need to wait for more than 30mins when we have made reservations...
The staff is still trying hard till the last minute, keep checking with her colleague via walkie-talkie whether the table who has paid has got up....see whether she really have to "release second floor" for us...all these in Cantonese....may be she though we couldn't understand?
On our way up, we also heard her telling her colleague upstairs to serve us quickly...immediately give us the menu.... Anyway, service from then on is quite ok.
The food is quite ok, and both B1 and B2 like their chicken soup with Xiang3 Luo2 Pian4 very much. I was too busy getting B2 to eat, no time to snap any photos though.
First Highever then Urticaria(hives)...Poor B2
Poor B2 with her swollen eyes,face and lips!
B2 had high fever,up to 40Degree C for 4 days. As predicted by PD, the fever go off after 4 days.
Since we have previous experience with B1,whom we rushed to KK A&E, and the doctor explained in details to us, we didn't bring B2 to A&E this time, We just brought her to see PD,gave her Panadol and Brufen as instructed by PD, sponged her,and monitor to see that she's still active and alert.
She's probably brought back some kind of virus from her playgroup on Wednesday and her body was trying hard to fight against the virus with high temperature,and she won the battle!
Last night,I saw two mosquito-bite-like bumps on her cheeks.After a 20min ride to pick B1 back from her ballet class, we noticed that her cheeks turn red and eyes a bit red and swollen.
Within hours her face and lips are swollen and red. By early morning,she has rasher on several parts of her body.
I suspected allergic reaction to insect bites, or even hives, but hb think it could be allergic reaction to the food she has taken, and started questioning what food she's taken.
We brought her to see doctor at Bt Gombak,and doct confrimed that she's having Urticaria or hives, and prescribed 3 types of medicine to be finished in a week.
Her rashes on face subsided by the time we paid up and left the clinic, but we brought her back to see doctor again after seeing her face turned pale and lips turn WHITE!
B2 didn't like the taste and even tried to spit out.
When B2 window shop in Esprit...
neighbour just gave birth
My neighbour gave birth to a 2.8kg baby girl on 08 Jul.She's discharged from hospital just the day after giving birthday,cos she's worried about the other 3 children at home.
She's deteremined to follow my footstep and breastfeed her 4th child as long as possible,so i pass my Avent breast pumps, both the manual and the single pump to her.
Baby has a bit of jaundice, and I see the confinement nanny carried her downstair to sunbathe.Actually my neighbour's house has afternoon sun at the living room, but the nanny said it's not good to sunbathe in the evening,Not sure how true is it.
Hong Kong Trip Jun 2010-Shopping
For various seasons, this trip's shopping isn't that satisfying. .
Didn't go to Citygate Outlet Mall
No chance to step into any DHC stores.The shops at HKIA T2 and Causeway Bay are gone. Passed by one at Grand Century Place but no chance to go in.Thought there is one at Diamond Hill,went there but it's also gone!
Didn't have time or chance to step into any SaSa,Bonjour,Bossini,Giordano etc..
Luckily still have time and chance to get clothes and shoes for both B1 and B2. Got NARS and Jill Stuart's cosmetics (both not available in Singapore) for myself,since they have shops/counters in Langham Mall,and of course Rabeanco's bag. A small lambskin leather bag cost S$215 in SG (Guy by Rabeanco in Ion Orchand).I got it at HKD698 after offer and VIP discount! They don't have it in the color I wanted though.
There is a Rabeanco counter inside Seibu and a shop in B1 of Langham Mall, stocking slightly different products.
Langham Mall though very conveniently located and linked to Langham place hotel, doesn't have any shops for kids clothings and shoes. The nearest mall with most shops under one roof is probably Grand Century Place.
(Nars blusher in "Orgams" gives very natural glow,with very very subtle shimmer.No wonder it's a best seller in US,Hong Kong and Taiwan. "Super Orgasms" has too much shimmer in it....)
We tried to go via Mong Kok Station Exit B3,
On the last day, when we took a cab from Diamond hill back to hotel to pick up our luggage, we figured that there is shorter way to get to grand century place.
At the back of the H&M is Agryle Street, from there cross the road and walk all the way down, there is entrance to Grand Century Place,looks much easier then the map appear to be.
Grand Century Place
港鐵東鐵? | 旺角東站 (D出口) | |
港鐵觀塘? / 荃灣? | 太子站 (B2出口) | 旺角站 (B3出口) |
Kids Apparels
Ladies Apparels
Leather Goods,Hanbags & Shoes
If you are not into branded goods, and only have time to go one shopping mall, this is one that you should consider.Most of HK's major brands,chain stores are here!
Langham Mall B1 has whole floor dedicated to handbags & shoes,but it's mainly mid-price brands like Staccato,Rabeanco,Walker Shop.GEOX etc.
The supermarket at basement 2 is not very big, but I visited it almost daily for drinks,convenient food and fruits.Bring along a foldable shopping tote if you don't want to get charged for their plastic bags
The H&M here is MUCH smaller than their store in Central.
Most of the eateries at Level 4A are quite packed.Either they don't provide baby chair at all ,or just give you a stool to stack on their dining chair.Not exactly baby-friendly.
At street level, across the street, there are SaSa, Bonjour,大家乐Da4 Jia1 Le4 and 7 Eleven. We had breakfast at Da Jia Le on Sunday morning, cost only about SGD14 for simple breakfast for 3 of us.
I have packed full range of travel medicine for both B1 & B2, but didn't pack any for myself and hubby. Hb had to go to the 7 Eleven at 3am + on Monday morning to get me Panadol Extra for my terrible headache. Hotel concierge couldn't give us and advised him to buy from 7-Eleven instead.
Just outside the supermarket, there are several bakeries and a small Kee Wah bakery.Both B1 & B2 love their egg rolls and egg biscuits.
We also went Diamond Hill's Plaza Hollywood,as I thought there is a DHC store there, but were disappointed when we couldn't find DHC there.Probably it's also closed down.There are quite a number of shops selling children's apparels, including LA COMPAGNIE DES PETITS,not found in Sogo and Times Square.
The mall is linked to Diamond Hill MTR station,and has Nursing room with lockable door.Next to the nursing room is a row of baby changing stations and some chairs for bottle feeding babies.
Ladies Fashions are quite boring though, or may be just not my taste....lots of sequinned clothes.. If you don't have time, you could just give this mall a miss,it's not worth going, since most of the shop can be found elsewhere.
Since I have plan to try out Hee Kee's Stir Fry Chilli Crabs避风塘炒蟹 in Lockhart drive (CWB MTR Exit C),we also scheduled some shopping at Sogo, where we got most of B1 and B2's clothes.
Word Trade Centre next to Sogo has also undegone some changes, with a much bigger TWIST,selling branded goods like Hermes,Gucci,Balenciaga,Prada. I was told that customers who show their foreign passports will be given 10 to 20% discount,but I have not tried it or confirmed with the sales staff, since I didn't plan to get anything there.
There is also Brand Off shop in WTC now. It's a very established Japanese chain stores selling mostly 2nd brand branded goods like Hermes,LV,Gucci,Chanel etc. I was also told that customers can actually bargain when they buy from this store.
If you have HSBC credit card, remember to bring along when you shop in Hong Kong. Most shops offer at least 5 to 10% disocunt for HSBC credit cards. I remembered to bring mine but it's the one that has EXPIRED! Luckily this year DBS credit card is also one of the participating banks,though not as widely accepted for discount as HSBC and Hang Seng Bank's.
VIP Card Numbers
(Other than my own , I just tell them it's my friend's card, and I can only give them card number)
Rabeanco : 02027485 (or quote my handphone number)
Chickeeduck- 83400060 Ms Leung
DHC -OF00162735 Ms Tsang, OF00121319 Miss Mak(HP:96454500)
Sanrio kids- V14954 Ms Cheung
Fables- 800002284 Ms Ma
PS: most of the VIP number for "Bread and Butter" in the attached Excel file are expired.
Hong Kong Trip Jun 2010 day 1 & 2
Day 1
Only given 3 HK immigration cards and Changi Airport Terminal 3, A1 gate. When asked, the staff told us INFANTS DON'T NEED,so we assumed what he said is right. At HK airport,the very stern looking Immigration Officer VERY STERNLY told us "EVERYONE NEEDS",so we got to fill up for B2 on the spot, while looking at her very black face.The Singaporean tourist before us didn't write her home address, and now us,didn't even fill up the form for the infant must have annoyed her so much.
Reached HK in the evening, after checked-in,headed straight to Disneyland,just in time to watch fireworks. Returned to our hotel,thinking that we could order some ala-carte
B1's kids set dinner is ok, except that they forgot to serve her the fresh milk. Hb's pork bone soup pork chop ramen doesn't taste like pork bone soup,but
My Indonesian Nasi Goreng taste more like Cantonese Lup Cheong Rice, with lots of lup cheong and chicken pieces, totally not spicy,Satay taste ok,but is totally different from our satay.
Another BAD BAD experience. Remember, always eat outside,don't even think of taking dinner in this hotel.
Having stayed in this hotel 3 times, we can see from some minor changes that showsthe hotel is trying to cut cost.
Overall B2 enjoyed herself at Disneyland. A bit worried and uncomfortable taking Winnie the Pooh Story Book adventure and watching Golden Mickey shows.
Food is problem today. She totally didn't want the Italian rice we ordered at a small Italian restaurant in Langham Mall,As they don't have baby high chair, we even have problems getting her to sit still at her Booster Seat (with Ikea's stool on a normal chair).
Luckily I brought along some Nestle Fruit & Veg cereal and Pigeon Instant porridge.Also went to the supermaket at B2 to get her apples and Papaya Milk.Was trying to get her packet Strawberry milk but there isn't any,no UHT or chilled fresh type.
We are all very happy with the Langham Place Hotel I chose this time round.
-with little kitchenette that comes with a microwave oven.There are 2 plates and 2 bowls but no cutlery given.(CORRECTION: the western and Chinese cutlery set are given,placed in one of the drawers.
-a coffee maker attached to mini kettle. Something unusual, and there is even a packet of Boncafe powder for the coffee maker.
-Separate shower and bath tub. Shower cubicle with both rain shower and detachable shower head,very useful for bathing small kids.
-Room comes with printer and paper.
-Complete set of toiletries.toothbrush and toothpaste,shower cap & hair band,comb,cotton buds & tips, sewing kit,shoe shine sponge,small packet of detergent for washing clothes,shaving kit.
-Other than the usual coffee and tea bags, there are also 3-in-1 Milo pack.Not usually found in Hong Kong's hotels.
Hb likes it so much that,he even suggested booking this hotel for his future business trips here. Forgetting that the last time when I helped him to book, he only wanted "Cheap" hotel, so I booked him the Prudential Hotel,right on top of Jordan MTR,at onlyS$100+ for standard room.
Pleasantly surprised to find RED BEAN BAK CHANG here ! I couldn't even buy it in Singapore. Only get to eat the homemade version by my aunt and friends' mother.
Thanks to the microwave in our room, I could buy the chilled bak chang(Cost Hk$32) and heat it up in our room.
The ingredients are quite different. My aunt's version has pork,black mushrooms,chestnut,hay bee and garlic.
HK's version has pork,hay bee,salted egg yolk and lotus seeds! I prefer chestnut over lotus seeds and salted egg yolk in red bean bak chang is overpowering!
Didn't bring my camera's cables,will post photos and update this entry when I am back...
Girls' Brigade -The Fast-Food and Fuzz Camp 2010
B1 just returned from her 2D 1 N camp.
According to the letter to parents, the girls will be taught how to fast/resist from the luxuries of life, such as no computer game or Ipod/MP3,no watching of TV programmes,or to have their favourtie foods or comfortable homes etc.
They will experience a different lifestyle where they will have simple meals, sleep on make-shift beds made by them and learn to appreciate what they have; not to compare with others but walk in thankfulness and humility.
Sounds good? I thought this is exactly what B1 needed, but she wept when I told her this is good for her and asked her to sign up. When Hb also said the same thing and "forcced" her to attend, she had no choice.
Anyway, she came back telling us she cried at night, slept on cardboard,got bitten by insects with many swollen bumps on her legs. Ate porridge with canned peanuts,pickles,at biscuits.
Didn't sound comfortable? Though under "My Reflections" , she wrote that she's learned not to take things for granted, but we found that her behaviour didn't change a bit.