Potential buyer now offered $1.12mil to buy our current house,up from $1.08 and $1.02mil previously.
HB is obviously keen to sell, as this is the price he told agent intially. I am not keen as I agreed to let in viewers only because Hb said will sell and rent back the place for 2 years, till B1 complete her PSLE,but not buyer is not willing to.
1) Don't sell.
2) Sell and move to our new unit in Bt Batok meant to be rented out. I am not too keen as it's not so convenient for B1's schooling and if this can fetch better rental return, I'll prefer to stay in cheaper unit elsewhere.
3) Sell and rent a unit in another condo,like Mayspring which is still far from her school but at least has mall and library.
4) Sell and rent a bigger HDB unit near her school. Saw a 5I unit at Blk 441 renting at $2.5k!
P5 and P5 has lots of supplementary classes.When I couldn't pick B1 from school, at least she could walk back herself.