
Quit Julia Gabriel's Edudrama class?

B1's supposed to take Level 3,Trinity Guildhall's assessment this month.

1st they sent out examination notice to the correct address,my name and with someone else's child name.

Then came the revised notice on Friday, with test date and time during B1's school hours. Previously her tests were during her JG's class,and we were never told that the test will be schedule during weekdays.

Hb tried to talk to the teacher..either B1 has to miss her school lessons or she join other class for her assessment...there seems to be no other choice, and half-way through, the teacher refused to talk further as she "has to go for her lunch'....She mentiond "from P3 & P4 onwards it's all schedule on weekdays"...but later denied saying that.

Hb complained to the counter staff, and someone more senior came out to attend to hb.

Actually, we are not very happy with her current teacher for quite some time.Unlike all B1's other teachers, this one doesn't communicate much with the parents.No emails to parents to update, no comments on the kids' program summary on their performance, no briefing to the parents on what's being taught during the lessons, even Open House that are supposed to be held every 10th week of each term were never arranged and informed!

It's time to either drop JG completely, or switch her to other classes and Readers & Writers or Performance Arts,since B1's schedule can't fit into other Edudrama's classes.

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