
PSLE results, affiliated schools...

Hb's niece got 229 for her PSLE,had a hard time choosing her 1st choice Secondary school.Her "targeted" River Valley High has entry cut-off of 250+,which is out-of-reach for her.

Her mother,my hb's sis-in-law now regretted NOT choosing affiliated schools 6 years ago! Methodist Girls School needs only 220 to apply for affiliated primary school, compared with 253 for non-affiliated primary schools.

Now,this is the mother who went all out to get her child in her current school, even bought an apartment within 1km,(but never stayed in this place,it's been rented out) just to make sure her child has higher chance to get into this school, which she said is a SAP School,that teaches Higher Chinese right from Primary 1.Anyway, she didn't take Higher Chinese in her PSLE.Her teacher advised her to switch to normal Chinese,or she'll pull down her overall marks even more.

I am quite interested to knjow about the posting system's criteria. Priority given to 1st choice.or T-score? Affiliated or T-score? I read about different informations from different sites,not sure which is true.

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