My St Louis PM tote in Burgundy/Bordeaux has finally arrived. I ordered on Tues night(Singapore time), and the DHL guy came knocking on my door on the following Monday morning.
The bag cost GBP 459.57 without tax, plus a shipping fee of GBP85,both to be paid to Goyard London.
They emailed me a CC authorization form,which I filled in,signed and scanned,and then emailed back together with scanned copy of my ID and credit card.
By 12pm the next day,DHL has picked up the parcel,and Goyard London emailed me a tracking number which I track from there.
Tracking from DHL site is easy, and you can request for them to SMS at various stages of the shipment process.
Another site for tracking, which provide more details than DHL:
I have to pay GST of SGD86.26 plus handling fee of SGD10,which I paid by cheque (to DHL Express (S) Pte Ltd) to the DHL guy direct.
In order not to miss the DHL guy, it would be better to call their customer service line to arrange the delivery time in advance,once you got the alert that the parcel has cleared customs and awaiting at DHL facility. I got SMS alert that it's with the DHL man 9.01am, and by 9.51am he's at my door step which I missed. Luckily I was near my house,immediately called them customer service line, and they re-delivered at 11.36am. Alternatively, I would call to arrange for re-delivery at night from 7pm to 9pm.

Yes, I admit that I do feel the pinch when I have to pay for the shipping fee and GST.Since Goyard is not available here in Singapore, and it's unlikely that I will be going to London or Paris within this year,I really don't mind the "extras".
So my red,hot Burgundy Goyard St Louis PM arrived just in time for Chinese New Year!
BTW ,I am surprised to find that the attached pouch has an extra external pocket at the back, which is useful for slotting my mobile phone for easy access.
Ordering from Paris is slightly different. They quoted ESTIMATED shipping fee of Eur 120-140 ,to be paid directly to the courier, which is UPS. They require CC authroization form, both sides of credit card, and passport (ID for London). I am not too comfortable with the estimated shipping fee,but I am holding back from ordering from Paris not because of this.It's merely because they don't have ready stock of the Burgundy color I wanted.
Now comes the packaging. Goyard doesn't give boxes, which is good for shipping anyway.
The bag is wrapped in layers of yellow paper, then folded at one side and put into a bubbled envelope,another layer of yellow paper,together with the Goyard carrier, then whole lot wrapped with another layer of yellow paper before they are put into the plastic DHL envelope.
I supposed it's okay to squeeze in another one or two St Louis tote with this kind of packing. So if you can pool other interested buyers to order together, you should be able to save some shipping cost.
Just found out the Keith Png from Hide and Seek sells the GM for SGD1700 and PM for SGD1500. Someone from deluxemall also selling the black,orange and red PM for SGD1650.
Hong Kong used to sell it at about HKD7100 iirc, and US is selling it at USD940 now. So my cost of SGD1300+ seems quite alright compared to all these.
Even if Goyard finally comes to S'pore, I expect the price to be more than SGD1000,and by then I would have moved on to another bag.